General Knowledge MCQs Part 15

General Knowledge MCQs

MCQ Test

Question 1: The United Nations was founded on

Question 2: Which country from the following is NOT a member of UNO?

Question 3: The International Court of Justice is located in

Question 4: The Great Wall of China is about __________ KM long.

Question 5: The oldest university in the world is

Question 6: There are _________ non-permanent members of the security council.

Question 7: The currency of Indonesia is

Question 8: The D-8 is an organization of eight ________ countries.

Question 9: The European Union’s working capital is in

Question 10: The headquarter of NATO is located in

Question 11: The motto of UNO is

Question 12: The world’s highest mountain is in

Question 13: The headquarter of Red Cross is in

Question 14: World Trade Organization was established in

Question 15: The North Atlantic treaty (NATO) was signed in

Question 16: Which country, on the map of the world, appears as “Long Shoe”?

Question 17: Which from the following countries is NOT a member of D-8?

Question 18: The largest ocean of the world is

Question 19: Which from the following countries does NOT yield veto-power?

Question 20: OIC changed its name from Organisation of the Islamic Conference to Organisation of Islamic Cooperation in

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