Everyday Science MCQs Part 5

Everyday Science MCQs

MCQ Test

Question 1: The big dipper is part of which constellation?

Question 2: Light Year is used to measure

Question 3: Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, but Venus is hotter than Mercury because of its

Question 4: Which Planet is closer-in-size with the Earth?

Question 5: The most blister form of copper is

Question 6: The device that converts alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC) is called

Question 7: The coldest region of the Earth’s atmosphere is

Question 8: The study of hydrocarbon and its derivatives is called

Question 9: Who is the founder of Meteorology?

Question 10: In street lighting, _____ is used to produce yellow light.

Question 11: Which of the following is a non-metallic conductor?

Question 12: Deficiency of iodine results in

Question 13: The most abundant element in Air is

Question 14: The _____ veins transport blood from the kidneys.

Question 15: The Central Nervous System (CNS) consists of

Question 16: Oxidation is a

Question 17: Which programming language is widely used for Machine Learning?

Question 18: The world’s most popular computer operating system is

Question 19: Which register stores the result of ALU operations?

Question 20: Which of the following devices uses the parallel transmission?

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